Remote Asset Monitoring

Remote Asset Monitoring For 电力

® 连接 Remote Asset Monitoring (RAM) for electric power systems combines the power of your electrical power generation equipment with the power of technology, 数据和服务,帮助您实现并保持成功的运行. RAM为您提供了智能识别和解决问题所需的定制数据, quickly and efficiently.

As business operations and requirements become more complex, 人们越来越需要控制成本,同时用更少的资源做更多的事情. With those challenges, 远程监控发电设备的能力对于提高效率和更智能地工作至关重要. 这就是 Remote Asset Monitoring steps in to help bridge the gap, leveraging modern connected technologies for monitoring, managing and enhancing system operations, resulting in greater insight and control over work sites.

  • Text and email notifications of system status
  • Low fuel warnings and real-time fuel levels
  • 电池电压和趋势,以便在故障发生之前发现问题
  • Utility power off/power restored status
  • Tampering and unauthorized activity notifications
  • Ability to remotely operate the generator
  • Remote diagnosis and ability to clear alarms

在办公室, on the go or at home, 你可以放心地知道你的电力系统设备在任何时候都发生了什么.

电话或 在线新葡京博彩官网 与新葡京博彩官网技术专家讨论在您的运营中添加远程资产监控的好处和过程.

Control Costs and Improve 表演 With RAM

表演 Monitoring and Insights
RAM brings all your fleet data together into a single, 在线平台,全面概述车队的表现. 确保单个单元正确加载,在线单元的最佳数量以满足电力需求,同时监控运行时间和燃料消耗,以保持整个车队的澳门新葡京博彩一致. 还可以利用设备数据来识别和消除重复或低效的做法,以改进操作流程.

RAM also provides extensive record-keeping, automatically aggregating data on equipment history, component life and operating costs. 这些数据可以帮助识别高成本或问题区域并控制费用. 定期的日常监测还可以确定培训机会和操作改进,因为实践可能会影响性能和部件磨损, affecting your bottom line.

Electronic Alerts For Real-Time Support
澳门新葡京博彩电子警报可以帮助维持电力系统的峰值性能, 及时发现可能降低燃油效率或可靠性的问题. 电子警报也提供了安心,知道简单的问题不会阻止发电机组在需要时启动和接收额定负载, 同时确保资产准备好运行并在需要时执行.

With alerts and diagnostic information sent to offsite experts, 可以减少或消除技术人员不必要的现场访问, 降低人工成本,同时使操作人员能够快速采取行动. 这有助于防止延长停机时间和重大故障,降低您的业务风险. Especially when dealing with limited resources, 了解哪些设备需要关注,可以帮助您在正确的时间和正确的能力做出明智的决定, to keep focus on operational priorities.

Preventative Maintenance and Planned 服务s
保持预防性维护是避免重大设备故障的唯一最佳方法. Take advantage of electronic data, 警报和记录,安排和完成所有建议的维护和服务,您的发电设备, while managing maintenance and overhaul intervals.

类似的, 性能数据, 电子警报, 检查和流体取样都可以用来快速和早期地发现小问题, 使在故障发生前计划和安排维修成为可能,这将有助于避免故障并降低维修成本. 适当的设备管理有助于最大限度地延长正常运行时间,延长设备寿命.

Remote Asset Monitoring App

猫 Remote Asset Monitoring 电力系统的应用程序提供24/7的移动设备和车队管理. With the convenience of a mobile app, customers can remotely monitor, locate and manage generator sets, helping to control costs, reduce risk and improve business and system performance.

App features include visibility to:

  • 资产位置
  • 活动断裂
  • 燃料的澳门新葡京博彩
  • 最近报告日期
  • 小时
  • 故障历史
  • 运行历史
  • Preventive Maintenance Module (PMM)
  • Quick Links to S•O•SSM 和猫 Inspect

猫 RAM应用程序可在智能手机或平板电脑上下载, 支持苹果iOS (iPhone和iPad)和谷歌Android设备. 点击下面的按钮访问应用程序信息并为您的设备下载.

开始澳门新葡京博彩该应用程序需要猫 连接和猫 CWS登录名和密码. If you need 猫 连接 or a CWS login, 立即新葡京博彩官网.