
设备检查 From 新葡京博彩官网

Keeping up with your 猫® 设备维护是确保其长期可靠性、性能和价值的关键. 定期的预防性维护可以帮助您减轻设备问题,并在潜在问题影响性能或造成严重损坏之前发现潜在问题.

呼叫 our service division at 866-594-0534 or 在线新葡京博彩官网 开始吧.

新葡京博彩官网, 我们遵循您所有猫设备的标准检验规程, and we recommend you do the same. This means nothing will be overlooked, 你可以很容易地看到每次检查是否有什么变化. 澳门新葡京博彩系统的方法是我们的服务专家保证一致性的方法, 可靠的设备检查和计划必要的维护和维修,以保持您的设备正常运行.

Why Prioritize Heavy 设备 Inspection and Maintenance?

定期服务可以防止计划外的设备停机,提高您的机队的生产力. 适当的维护可以帮助您应对供应链危机和其他常见问题的不确定性,这些问题可能会延长维修停机时间和零件交货时间.

正确维护您的设备可以延长澳门新葡京博彩寿命,提高燃油效率和性能. Depending on your working conditions and application, 某些组件可能磨损得更快,需要经常检查以保持正常运行.

即使是经常澳门新葡京博彩的常见问题也可能导致更昂贵的操作, reduced performance and shorter serviceable life. For example, fluids and filters need periodic replacement. Coolant becomes acidic over time, whereas oil breaks down, losing its effectiveness in lubricating engine components. 类似的, 燃油滤清器和水分离器确保您的发动机有它需要的液体,没有有害的堵塞或潮湿. 保持这些系统和部件处于良好状态,确保高效、可靠的输出.

澳门新葡京博彩前检查您的重型设备和机器是确保其在服务访问之间正常运行的好方法. 这些检查还可以帮助您保证操作人员和其他员工的安全. 幸运的是, 猫 offers resources to help your team complete thorough, 记录检查,并保持在您的车队的维护顶部.

猫 Inspect Mobile App

卡特彼勒为客户开发了猫 Inspect移动应用程序,以便客户能够完成猫设备检查的步骤并跟踪变化, add notes and create reports. Learn more about the 猫 Inspect mobile app, available for Apple iOS and Google Android.

Simplifying 设备检查

Every piece of 猫 equipment has a unique set of systems, parts and features that require individual attention. Instead of creating one “catch-all” inspection checklist, 猫 has devised a unique checklist that caters to the specifics of each machine. 这允许您在检查设备时进行彻底检查,并确保您验证了每个关键功能, 包括一些你可能没有考虑或记得定期检查的.

For example, the 猫 inspection checklist for 滑移装载机 includes 60 points of inspection. Divided into four groups, 它们涵盖了装载机的所有区域,并解释了如何进行各种检查, 在机器上, Engine Compartment and Inside the Cab. 多亏了清风, straightforward descriptions on the checklist, it’s fast and easy to perform equipment inspections before every use.

和所有设备一样, 定期检查主要功能和部件只需要几分钟, but means you can quickly see if anything needs attention. Some examples of points to check include:

  • 车架、驾驶室、台阶或其他车架和车身部件的损坏和裂纹
  • Fluid levels and absence of leaks for 液压油, engine oil, radiator coolant, etc.
  • 连杆、枢轴点、pto和其他可能松动的运动部件的状态
  • 软管、皮带、电线和其他可能导致设备故障的引擎盖下组件
  • 安全带、车灯、喇叭、窗户或其他安全和能见度相关的功能

检查表对于培训新操作员和技术人员也很方便,这样每个人都在执行相同类型的检查, 每一次.

Your Partner for 设备检查 and 服务

While performing inspections before using your machinery is essential, 与值得信赖的经销商安排定期维护是保持设备良好状态的最佳方法. 华伦CAT团队明白,您的机器对您的运营至关重要. 我们通过预防性维护检查来支持您团队的生产力, 以及重建, repairs and part replacements. Our capabilities include a vast range of service and repair options in the field and at our shops, making us the single source for 猫 equipment inspections, 维护和修理.

As an authorized 猫 dealer, we have access to the region’s largest inventory of genuine 猫 parts 确保在最短的时间内交付高质量的零部件和维修.

我们努力为您的运营提供增值服务和支持. 新葡京博彩官网 provides customer value agreements (CVAs) to ensure you have access to the equipment inspections, 维护和维修,您需要最大限度地延长正常运行时间和投资回报.

Contact 新葡京博彩官网 to Schedule 设备检查

新葡京博彩官网 is the exclusive 猫 dealer serving Oklahoma, West Texas and the Texas Panhandle. 无论您的设备是否需要检查计划维护或我们发现需要维修或更换的部件, our highly trained technicians can perform efficient, 优质的服务.

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